Sunday, October 20, 2013

Module 4 Disruptive Technologies

Second Life is used as disruptive technology because it changes the method of processing things. According to Thornburg Second Life has not been included in K-12 grades at this point. Second Life refers to virtual environments that are mostly used in Higher Education Levels like colleges and universities. Second Life replaced 3D movies where technology was viewed as three dimensional type pictures appeared as real life images. Thornburg (2009) discussed disruptive technologies as innovations that change how things are communicated. This innovation tends to emerge without notice to make previous technologies become obsolete. When new technologies emerge sometimes people are not trained to use these technologies and tend to lose their employment. In most instances changes in technology takes about a decade before new emerged technologies are available on the market. Second Life can change the way people engage in social networks by implementing ways to communicate with images in a virtual world.
Laureate Education, Inc. (2009). Emerging and future technology. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Thornburg, D. (2008a). An amazingly incomplete emerging technologies bibliography. Lake Barrington, IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.


Friday, October 4, 2013

Module 3 Rhymes of The Past

                                                  Betamax Camera (1975)

 Microfilm 1996

 News Papers

 Module 3 Blog Rhymes of The Past

One example of a technology that represents a rhyme of history would be the information revolution. The word revolution indicates instant and frequent change. This change could have been implemented over a course of decades. For example, newspapers or similar technology, like microfiches. However, revolution usually described changes in society. This could mean a cliché or changes in communication formed by society.

The new media of information became part of our changing society. This means that new media includes communication, which refers to technology, like cameras and videos. The media supports and helps the existing order of communication among educators who look for change based on their opinions. Dr. David Thornburg (2009) discussed how the force called rhymes of history demonstrated how patterns in society rekindled from the past are usually reinvented through technology to meet current needs.

Kelly’s concepts of embodiment, restructuring, and codependency represent how obsolete and emerging technology can represent the embodiment or features from past technology. Kelly also, described how obsolete technology can be restructured into new technology that provide benefits from the past with a codependency upon technology to provide specific services.

Retrieved From: 

Kelly, Kevin (1994; paperback edition 1995) Lack of Control. Biology, Machines, Social Systems, and World Economics. New York: Addison, Wesley.