Sunday, November 3, 2013

Module 5 Six Forces: Increasing Returns on Obsolete Technology’s Original Emergence

Module 5  



I rented my DVD from Block Bluster movie store. The competition between DVDs and Video-on-demand are examples of Red Queens Tetrad Technology.  The DVDs are obsolete and do not have efficient picture and sound quality. Many adopters have stopped using DVDs because they have become obsolete. The Movie -on Demand is listed on the Enhance criteria of the Tetrads because it has great picture and sound quality.  According to Thornburg (2008) Two technologies compete for the same space with similar benefits in the process. For example, Alice In Wonderland  discovers  herself in a strange world where she confronts the Red Queen (Carroll, 1946) . During the story, Alice and the Queen begin running as fast as they can, but they are in the same place. Alice says this is a very strange world. DVDs and Videos-on demand are located on McLuhan’s four criteria tetrad. DVDs are located on the obsolesces level while Video-on demand is located on the Enhances level that means amplification of pictures and sounds.


R McLuhan, M., & Lapham, L. H. (1994). Understanding Media: The Extensions of
Man. The MIT Press.









  1. Hi Petti,

    Thank you for your post. I think that VOD services will replace DVDs. Blockbuster is already closing, and DVD rental shops in my area are making the slow process of diversifying into other businesses by opening up coffee shops and groceries within their video store.

    Sanjay Sharma

  2. Petti,

    Good post and I completely agree with you that the DVDs are being obsolesced by the video on demand. I still have my cabinet filled with our DVD collection, which we never use except to store dust. I remember when I had the same cabinet filled with our wonderful VHS collection of movies. So, what do you think will obsolete the video on demand?
